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OKIf we could ask babies where they would most like to sleep, the answer would surely be: "Right next to Mom or Dad!" The gentle body contact and the scent of their primary caregiver give babies—and even older children—the sense of security and comfort they remember from the womb.
From an evolutionary perspective, co-sleeping as a family is the most natural way for children to sleep - one that has been practiced since the beginning of humankind. In many cultures, it is still the norm today. It was only in Western industrialized nations that the family bed was gradually replaced by separate sleeping arrangements over the past few centuries.
However, in recent decades, the family bed has been making a comeback, thanks in large part to the work of researchers advocating for a needs-based approach to parenting. Since 2008, after analyzing numerous studies, both the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF have recommended the use of a family bed or co-sleeping, as it offers many benefits for parents and children alike. Co-sleeping allows parents to be present for their child at all times - whether for nighttime feedings or comforting a toddler who has had a nightmare or struggles to fall asleep. Children benefit from the feeling of security and warmth, which fosters a strong sense of safety. The close physical proximity and the sound of their parents' breathing help infants sleep more peacefully, wake up less frequently, fall back asleep faster, and cry less compared to those who sleep alone.
In the family bed, a baby’s sleep cycle naturally synchronizes with the mother’s, helping to stabilize and regulate vital bodily functions in the child’s still-developing system. At the same time, a harmonious breastfeeding relationship can be established without the mother having to sacrifice restful sleep. In fact, studies show that mothers who co-sleep tend to breastfeed more frequently and for longer periods, which is associated with numerous health benefits for the child and a reduced risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The shared bed also makes nighttime feedings more comfortable and stress-free, allowing both mother and baby to return to sleep quickly.
The result? Parents wake up well-rested and can go about their daily responsibilities without exhaustion. Meanwhile, children experience a deep sense of security from the very beginning, develop a healthy relationship with sleep, become more emotionally balanced, and explore their world with confidence.
To fully enjoy the benefits of a family bed without worry, it is essential to follow a few basic rules:
The shared bed should offer enough space for everyone to sleep comfortably and prevent the child from overheating. The bigger, the better! The ROOM IN A BOX family bed is available in widths ranging from 240 to 300 cm and can even be expanded with additional single beds. This ensures that even larger families can sleep comfortably.
In general, the mattress should be firm rather than too soft. If a continuous mattress is not possible, any gaps between individual mattresses should be closed using wedges. The healthiest choice is a natural latex mattress – it provides optimal firmness, is breathable, and free from harmful substances.
Infants should ideally sleep next to their mother, on the outer side of the bed. A bed rail is essential for safety and comes in different forms. Our family bed also allows for easy attachment of bed rails.
To ensure the child’s safety, blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals should be kept to an absolute minimum and out of the baby’s reach. Babies sleep best in a well-fitted sleep sack, without a blanket or pillow.
The same rule applies to both parents: If you have consumed alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, or certain medications, your baby should not sleep in the family bed. The toxins released through a smoker’s breath while sleeping can endanger the child’s health and increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Alcohol and other substances impair awareness, behavior, and reaction time, increasing the risk of rolling onto the baby while sleeping. The same applies to certain strong medications, especially sleeping pills.
If multiple children sleep in the family bed, they should not be placed directly next to each other, as older siblings could accidentally roll onto the baby while sleeping.
The ROOM IN A BOX family beds offer parents a simple and sustainable way to practice co-sleeping. Thanks to its flexible design, our family beds can be easily adapted to meet the individual needs of the whole family - with minimal effort. With just a few simple steps, the bed size can be adjusted. Beds can be seamlessly connected or extended in width (and in case of the Family Bed 2.0 even in length).
Its high durability and stability ensure that it can easily withstand even the most energetic morning play sessions. Sustainable, affordable, and comfortable - the cardboard bed is the ideal solution for young parents to enjoy co-sleeping with their child throughout all stages of childhood. And when the time eventually comes for a separate bed, the family bed can be divided into single or single and double beds.