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OKDo you know the feeling: You wake up in the middle of the night because you bump your head on the end of the bed or the wall, or you're frustrated because your feet constantly hang off the end of the bed when you don’t bend your legs?
Here, extra-long beds provide relief. They offer ample legroom and allow you to enjoy a restful sleep.
As a rule of thumb for calculating the optimal bed length:
From this, it can be deduced that a standard bed with a length of 200 cm is already too small for someone over 180 cm tall. For a healthy and restful sleep, we need enough space to move in bed. This is especially important for restless sleepers who frequently turn over—adequate space at both the head and foot of the bed is essential. However, individual sleep habits vary. For instance, a taller person may do well with a standard-length bed if they typically sleep with bent legs, while a shorter person who likes to stretch out fully might be better off with an extra-long bed.
Our Bed 2.0 is not only flexible in width, but also in length, reaching up to 220 cm. Whether you need a single, double, or family bed in an extra-long version, you’ll find exactly what you need with us. And the best part? It easily adapts to changing needs. A sudden growth spurt from a teenager or a new partner who requires more space won’t force you to buy a new bed. Simply use the included extension kit, or order another one if needed, and extend your bed with just a few easy steps. Of course, you can reverse the bed extension at any time.
The following bed sizes are available with the Bed 2.0:
BED 2.0 - SIZE S
80 x 220 cm
90 x 220 cm
100 x 220 cm*
BED 2.0 - SIZE M
120 x 220 cm
140 x 220 cm*
BED 2.0 - SIZE L
160 x 220 cm
180 x 220 cm
200 x 220 cm*
240 x 220 cm
250 x 220 cm
260 x 220 cm
270 x 220 cm
280 x 220 cm
300 x 220 cm*
*Requires an additional extension set